5. & 6. oktober

Invitation til roundtable: Hvordan styrkes it-sikkerheden med Privileged Access Management + demonstration af et live hack

Brugernavn og password er i høj kurs hos hackere. Det er en ofte anvendt og succesfuld angrebsmetode til at skaffe sig uautoriseret adgang til virksomheders kritiske informationer. Efterhånden som flere virksomheder flytter til skyen, udvikler dynamikken i cloud-miljøets cybersikkerhed og de trusler, der er forbundet med det, sig hurtigt. Få indsigt i hvordan kriminelle hackere tænker samt de forholdsregler, du kan tage for at stoppe dem. Vi taler bl.a. om Privileged Acces Management (PAM) og Service Account Management.

Komplex it er vært for to roundtable-møder sammen med Delinea (tidl. Thycotic). Det bliver en formiddag der byder på spændende indlæg, live hacks og demos og ikke mindst gode diskussioner omkring it-sikkerheden ift. cyberangreb.

Undervejs vil der være rig lejlighed til at netværke med de øvrige deltagere og lære af deres erfaringer med it-sikkerhed. Rundbordsdiskussionen er lukket og off-the-record.

De to roundtable-møder holdes i hhv. Skovlunde den 5. oktober og Aarhus den 6. oktober. Der er begrænsede antal pladser, så tilmeld dig allerede i dag.



08.30 – 09.00 Breakfast and coffee
09.00 – 09.15 Welcome and intro
09.15 – 10.00 Importance of PAM
Many high-profile breaches have one thing in common: They were accomplished through the compromise of privileged credentials. Industry analysts estimate that up to 80% of all security breaches involve the compromise of privileged accounts.Protecting high-level admin accounts is a crucial component of a strong security strategy against external cyber-threats. How does PAM lower your risk of a privileged account attack?
10.00 – 10.20 Service Account Governance
Can anyone remember who installed this application? And what was the service account password?  All too frequently asked questions! Service account management is a task that’s all too often overlooked as the accounts can be a pain for organizations to control. We talk about how to protect your service accounts before it’s too late. Including live demo.
10.20 – 10.45 Tips, tricks and real world (danish) experiences on PAM
Did you know that 123456 is the most hacked password with 23.2 million users*?
Your administrator password is your main key to your data – protect it well. We will share tips and tricks based on our experiences with our danish customers.
* According to NCSC
10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 12.00 Live Hack + tips on how to prevent
Chief Security Scientist and Ethical Hacker Joseph Carson will demonstrate a real-world use case of how a cyber adversary gains an initial foothold in your network through compromised credentials and then elevates control and moves laterally to identify and exfiltrate your critical data.
12.00 – 12.30 Discussion
12.30 – 13.15 Closing and lunch

Eventet er afholdt


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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform kåret som førende af Forrester
