Invitation til TechMeetUp

Bliv opdateret på identitets- og adgangssikkerhed: Nøglen til at modstå kommende trusler

📅  Tirsdag 10. september
📅  Onsdag 11. september
📍Komplex it, Runetoften 22, Aarhus V
📍Komplex it, Meterbuen 25, Skovlunde
⏰ Kl. 13.30 – 18
⏰ Kl. 13.30 – 18





***Tilmeldingen er lukket***

Kontakt Jeannett Boel, hvis spørgsmål.

Cybertrusler udvikler sig konstant og bliver mere sofistikerede, hvilket gør det vigtigere end nogensinde at være et skridt foran. Ifølge Gartner vil 75% af cyberangreb i 2024 være identitetsbaserede angrebsmetoder, hvilket understreger behovet for en dybdegående forståelse af disse trusler og effektive metoder til at håndtere dem.

Sammen med vores partner Delinea afholder vi et TechMeetUp event, hvor vi gennemgår de vigtigste principper i værktøjskassen med både identitets- og adgangsstyring, og hvordan det kan styrke it-sikkerheden og robustheden overfor angreb. Du får konkrete anvisninger på hvordan, du kan reducere de risici, der er forbundet med ransomware, svindel og datatab.

Uanset hvor du befinder dig på din virksomheds rejse inden for identitets- og adgangssikkerhed, vil du få værdifuld viden og praktiske værktøjer ved at deltage i dette event. Kom og bliv inspireret, del din viden og netværk med andre ligesindede. Vi ser frem til en spændende eftermiddag med dybdegående indsigter fra eksperter, spændende indlæg, konkurrencer og præmier i samarbejde med Delinea.

Indlæg vil foregå på hhv. engelsk og dansk.


13.30-13.40 Welcome and introduction
13.40-14.20 Understand the Identity Attack Chain to Protect Your Network
Your organization’s security and information technology functions typically carry the most cybersecurity responsibility. It’s their job to develop cybersecurity initiatives that effectively manage risk and safeguard your organization from malicious attacks.
Essential to this process is understanding the methods employed by threat actors in their attempts to infiltrate your networks. What’s their approach? Are their activities arbitrary, or do they have a comprehensive playbook? What techniques do they typically use?
14.20-14.35 Live demo: How to Secure, Log and Record Remote Workers and Third-party Vendors
See how Delinea Remote Access Service securely manages remote workers and third-party vendors with a VPN-less, browser-based Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and SSH solution.
14.35-14.50 Break
14.50-15.20 Privileged Control for Servers with Live Demo: Ensuring Optimal Security and Compliance
Understand the critical aspects of managing and controlling privileged access to your servers. Learn how to implement robust privileged access management (PAM) strategies to safeguard your most sensitive systems. Through a live demonstration, we will showcase practical techniques for:

  • Securing Privileged Accounts
  • Session Recording and Auditing
  • Real-Time Threat Detection
  • Best Practices for Implementation

This hands-on demo will provide you with a clear understanding of how to strengthen your server security, maintain compliance, and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

15.20-15.35 Live demo: Integrating with Delinea Platform
Get inspired on how to automate patch management in a secure way. How to handle tools like Tenable and Ansible. Integrate different IdPs like OS2faktor, EntraID etc.
15.35-15.50 Break
15.50-16.20 Identity Threat Protection
High-quality insights into the most vulnerable identities to reduce the impact of compromise. This session will delve into advanced techniques for protecting your organization against identity-based threats. Learn how to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable identities within your network, leveraging high-quality insights and analytics. The discussion will cover proactive measures to mitigate risks, strategies to respond effectively to potential compromises, and the latest tools and technologies to bolster your identity security posture.
16.20-16.40 Demo of Protecting and Detecting Identity Based Threats in Cloud / SaaS Based Environments
See how Delinea Platform helps in gaining visibility into cloud environments to limit overprivileged accounts and gain visibility into activity and detect attacks.
16.40-17.00 Introduction to Fastpath
How Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) combines Identity Governance and Identity Administration to reduce the risk of identity-based attacks.
17.00-17.15 Wrap up – Open discussion
Pizzas, sodas/beer and networking


Tilmeldingen er lukket

Kontakt Jeannett Boel, hvis spørgsmål


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Vi søger en open source-specialist
